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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed

I don't know if it is possibly to be anymore offended by something by how offended I feel by this post. I'm unemployed and drawing the last week of my unemployment compensation before my benefits run out. I've looked for work every single day since Nov. 09 with no success, I've started going back to school to try and get a better job, and the unemployment compensation has kept my wife & kids fed, yet these Senators want to portray me as a lazy drug user? Holy crap! These guy are more out of touch with reality than any of us could imagine. I should become an entrepreneur and go in to business selling torches & pitchforks.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed

Gee, I'm to blame for being unemployed? Let's see, the plant I was working at filed for bankruptcy protection, laid me off two month, asked me to come back, kept me on until the end of Oct. 09 when I contract expired and said they jut couldn't afford to rehire me and there was no ability to negotiate. So how, Mr. Senator, is this my fault? I've been out of work since then, unable to find a job anywhere in miserable state of Illinois because my the bottom has fallen out in my field because no one is hiring drafters. This is my fault? Ok, sure, it's my fault for picking a field 12 years ago that I thought would make me an honest living that would support my family. Silly me for believing that. Tel you what Mr. Senator, I'll see you on in the unemployment line this November when I decide to vote you out of office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Illinois Is Putting People to Work -- Government Program a Huge Success

This a sounds very wonderful, but I've been unemployed in IL since Nov 09. IDES did not go out of their way to tell people about this program, and if you read in to this, which I strongly urge you to, there is a clause in the act that does not allow you to go back on unemployment insurance if you have gotten a job through this program. While it is nice that they are doing something, this is not enough. All it seems to be doing is allowing the government to lower the unemployment rate by effectively sweeping the unemployed under the proverbial carpet. The only way for this program to really work is if the jobs continue after the employers stop receiving federal funds for hiring workers through this program, which is not guaranteed by this program. We need real solution, not a temporary fix.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost