Ascension: Book One of The Allaince Chronicles 2nd Edition

Purchase now on or Kindle. Coming soon to other retailers.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Star Trek: Aurora

Just discovered this on the interwebz. I saw the first 'episode' of it and it looks pretty cool. I'm downloading the rest to watch.

New Project Time

Even though I'm still working on Amy's hood scarf that I started for Ravelympics 2010, I'm going to be starting a new project, the Cobblestone Pullover by Jared Flood.

Around the beginning of the year, I decided that I wanted to do a sweater project, but most of the men's sweater projects I saw involved cabling, which I'm not ready to learn just yet. This one is a combination of knit and purl stitches that appear to be more manageable. Yarn wise, I chose a combination of Encore and Encore Tweed from Plymouth Yarn with the help of Jean from or Yarns To Dye For & Me, along with helpful input from my wife. The colors will be a two-tone gray (light gray fleck and a dark gray). I'm really excited to see how this one turns out. I'll be using 16" and 32" size 8 circular needles. My goal will be to have it done by the fall along with Amy's Hood Scarf.

To get a copy of this pattern, visit

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And....we're back

Well, if you're wondering where I've been for the last few months, keep wondering. I'm entirely certain either. I looked at the blog today and say that my last post was back in December. Ok, so just because I'm a writer doesn't me I can really keep up on a blog, that won't stop me from trying.

So the big news right now is not Obamacare, it's not how evil is Pelosi, or how badly Biden screwed up today, it the fact that I'm going back to school! I applied to and was accepted to the University of Phoenix for their Bachelor's of Science degree program for Information Technology with a concentration on web design. All of my courses will be online and I officially started yesterday. I have to say that so far my experience with being a 'Phoenix' has been a positive one. My graduation team has been very positive and while I'm taking a General Education course, even the course is positive and interesting.

Look for new Klingon pics coming in May. The Zone Comics will again be taking part in national Free Comic Book Day, and I will again be dressing up.
